
Watch out for the Latest Trends on Instagram

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Jan 13,2021

Trends on Instagram have everything to do with shopping, stories, videos, creativity, visual effects, influencers, and authentic content. To begin with, this platform possesses innovative tools that allow users to get fresh and interactive content.

The platform furthermore has evolved to support its developing business accounts. It appears that this social media platform is on the path to becoming a formidable eCommerce website.

Latest Trends to Watch Out For

Below are some latest Instagram trends to watch out for

  • Instagram Goes Live:

    Event cancellations and stay-at-home orders have enabled the viewership figures of Instagram Live to new heights. By March, people viewing live broadcasts have risen by about 70%. Today more than 900 million people are watching live videos on an everyday basis across Instagram.

    With people on the lookout for replacing in-person activities, creators and brands are switching to live. 75% of live broadcasters have less than 1000 followers. The best part, today, there are several effective means to buy followers on Instagram.

    Instagram live sessions comprise everything from drawing tutorials, yoga classes, virtual protests, and comedy hours to cocktails and more. With desktop functionality in April, tuning in to live has become all the more practical.

    Live videos, just as Instagram stories, are more spontaneous and intimate than posts in a feed. Besides, hosts can respond to comments and questions in real-time. No wonder live videos on Instagram have much higher interactions than on Facebook.
  • Carousel Posts:

    We all know that a picture has the capacity of painting a thousand words. And multiple videos and pictures or a merge or both can indeed do wonders. Carousel posts on Instagram have become extremely popular ever since its launch in 2017, and there is no looking back since then.

    Although initially just a handful of content was published on Instagram as carousel posts but three years down the line, this figure has ballooned to about 19.4%.

    Instagram Carousel Post

    The share of carousel posts of the total Instagram posts in 2020 alone has been going up each month, with analysts predicting that it is on its way to turning into the critical organic content on Instagram apart from just Instagram bio. Should this continue, then carousel posts have high chances of being a leading trend in 2021.
  • IGTV to Take Center Stage:

    The rising adoption of IGTV or Instagram TV is again another trend. This usage is likely to go up after this social media platform announced plans of allowing advertisements on their video platform.

    That makes it all the more attractive, especially for content creators, in the beginning, to produce longer IGTV videos and trying to earn cash off the advertising opportunities along with brands in getting their names ahead of fresh eyes for boosting awareness.


    As per reports, content creators on IGTV are getting an equal number of ad revenues as that of YouTubers that is likely to bolster this platform into a prospective competitor.

    This social media platform has promised to introduce more IGTV features and expansions over the months, which is likely to gain momentum in 2021.
  • More Relatable Influencers:

    Today, most users follow real and authentic influencers who lead relatable, ordinary lives, which is just opposite to the picture-perfect lifestyles that celebrity influencers' lead. Users are finding higher content value from those who mirror their personal life experiences.

    Hence when one selects influencers for their brand, they should not neglect those that are ordinary. Brands and companies working in getting the attention of specific target markets are paying more attention to nano-influencers or micro-influencers.

    Influencer Marketing

    These influencers have minimal followers, yet brands have begun valuing partnerships with them. Today, brands regard influencers as more genuine in getting their message all across this way.

    They attract higher engagement and often respond to mentions and comments. These influencers by moreover, have roots in niches that are difficult to reach. Thus, by joining hands with them, one can extend their advertising reach.

    There are ample ways of collaborating as well as how to start SEO for Instagram with them, of which an effective means is trying native advertising. Besides, one can offer affiliate links for marketing programs that are performance-based.
  • Product Tagging and Instagram Shopping:

    People today are eagerly looking forward to a new shopping application that Instagram will release shortly. IG shopping allows users to scroll through goods of the brands which they follow before purchasing in the app directly.

    Instagram Product

    It will be big news for brands that are active on this social media platform. There has been an increased popularity of product promotions on Instagram. The addition of this latest feature will enable users to buy the product without navigating from the platform directly. No wonder Instagram has turned into a trendy medium to shop on. 

The bottom line is, now is the time to get creative and stand out, and leveraging Instagram is the best way to do it.

Randy Stark

Randy is a Business Tech Analyst. He is very responsible for his job. He loves to share his knowledge and experience with his friends and colleagues.