
Top 5 UX Blunders You Should Avoid

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May 27,2020

UX is one of the most important criteria for success. You may be surprised, but even the highest quality products do not receive proper attention from consumers if the UX design is poorly executed. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully consider the issue, take into account all the details and create a website that will not repel users, but rather capture their attention.

Before we consider the main mistakes in creating UX, we want to clarify an important issue. The major enemy of conversions is the slow loading of pages. Be sure that users do not have time to wait until the information appears on the screen. Often, creating attractive and selling designs, teams forget about optimization. It will be a pity if you worked on the site for a long time, and because of slow work, users cannot appreciate it. To avoid this situation, think about optimization in the early stages, test, and make sure that everything works quickly.

Testing data for the speed of 4500 sites showed that the website platform is of great importance since this can affect the page loading speed. And this must be taken into account when making a purchase decision.

According to the study, the likelihood of leaving the page increases significantly with a decrease in download speed. Data obtained using a neural network, the forecasting accuracy of which is 90%.

Mobile Page Speed

  1. An overabundance of items:

    A huge number of banners and other elements distract and disperse the attention of the visitor. Each of them is trying to look at themselves, as a result, none of them work fully.

    Set goals, prioritize, and reload the page. It is better to leave a little but get the maximum effect. Clean designs, without heaps, perfectly manage the attention of users, allowing them to organically move along the chain and ultimately get more conversions.

    The heap is fraught with the fact that visitors will leave the page without receiving your main message. According to testing, a decrease in the number of elements allowed an increase in conversion by 37,5%.

    Overabundance of items
  2. Design is not adaptable:

    Sites without adaptation to various types of devices lose significantly in efficiency. Today, users have a huge number of devices from which they access sites. To look competitive and get the desired results, you just can not do without a high-quality, adaptive design for different screens. According to statistics, the distribution of users by a device is as follows - mobile 53.81%, PC 43.27%, tablets 2.92%. As you can see, without responsive design, nowhere.

    Design is not adaptable
  3. Complex registration process:

    Do not try to get everything with one form. No need to do a huge number of fields for registration. This can scare away the user and leave the site. Why would he spend 10 minutes to get a small bonus or use your services? A visitor is likely to turn to a competitor with whom it is much easier to interact than with you. According to studies, the conversion rate varies depending on the number of fields. Hubspot research has shown that it is better to use fewer fields to achieve the best results.

    Complex registration process
  4. Too much text:

    People do not like to spend a lot of time reading bulky texts. Typically, visitors scan the main points in bold or bulleted lists. Combine text content with graphic content for easier viewing. Use graphics, pictures, photos. This will help to relieve the page, make it more attractive and understandable to users. No one will read the perfect text in a few paragraphs along with the main page. Do not waste your creativity on this, it is better to redirect it to visualization.
  5. Background images are more visible than the text:

    Not always trends and tools are used for good. Some distort them, realizing in their own way. As a result, this does not work. Designers often use full background images to create the right emphasis on content. However, there are sites where, due to improper implementation, the content disappears above the fold. This greatly complicates the search for the necessary information and disorientates. Users come in and instead of a clear understanding of how to move around the site, they are at a loss. The best option is when the background does not focus on itself, leaving it filling.


Even the most sought after product will not be sold if your site has poor UX. Modern consumers are not patient, they clearly understand what they want and if they don’t get it from you, they will certainly go to the competition. Therefore, never make the above mistakes, monitor current trends, and constantly test the site. This will help to improve its friendliness, and as a result, win users to themselves.

Alyse Falk

Alyse Falk is a freelance writer with experience in digital marketing, technologies, content marketing, marketing trends, and branding strategies. Alice also writes for several reputable sites where she shares her hints for creating content.