Headline and Ad problems

Home Support Blog Zone Headline and Ad problems

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    I just installed the Blog Zone theme, but I have two problems:

    1. The headlines on the front page are changed into first letter caps, i.e. “This is a headline” is changed into “This Is A Headline.” How can I turn off this feature?

    2. I have a header ad widget with a responsive header from adsense, but no ad shows up on the page, although the same html-code works with other themes. I don’t know what’s wrong.

    Thanks for your help!


    Hi @redchili,

    For text transform to capital you can go to Appearance >> Customize >> Additional CSS and add following css codes:

    .post .content-wrap .entry-header h2.entry-title a,
    .search-results #primary article h2.entry-title a {
        text-transform: none;

    Regarding, google adsense issue if you can provide us your site URL we can inspect it and provide you better solution.

    Thank you.



    Thank you very much for your help.

    1. The CSS above solves the problem of the headlines in the general feed, but not the headlines on the slider and the featured posts on top of the page. They are still in “All First Capital Letters.”

    2. One of my sites where I have the ad problem is http://redchiliaviation.com/

    Once again, thank you very much!


    By the way, the information about Blog Zone says: “It is completely translation-ready, able to display your page in any language.” If you need additional CSS to turn this feature off, I would say that it is not able to display the page in any language, because there are many languages where it’s incorrect to use first letter caps on all words in headlines. Even in English, you’re not supposed to have caps on small words like “the” and “a.” So, maybe you should consider turning this feature off in later versions of the theme (which is a great theme, by the way).


    Hi @redchili,

    We put HTML of Advertisement you used in body(below slider) at the top and it is working well. It looks like there is problem with adsense code. Can you please switch theme to default theme like twentyseventeen and check if both ads work properly at same time?

    For Capital Letter issue we will fix it and upload new version of theme in few hours. Please update theme to latest version when you get update notification.

    Thank you.


    Thanks! I updated the theme, and now the headlines are working perfectly.

    The other ad worked in a different theme I used before, but I’ll try to fix it in some other way. Thanks, anyway!


    Thanks @redchili, we appreciate your patience and coordination.

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