Incorrent category hierarchy in Breadcrumbs

Home Support eCommerce Gem Incorrent category hierarchy in Breadcrumbs

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  • #8594

    First off, awesome theme, I really enjoy using it! Great work, and cool visual presentation of Woocommerce!

    Got a bit of trouble living with the way the Breadcrumbs are displayed, as an example a category has this hierarchy:

    E-Liquids » With Nicotine » FlavourArt

    But on the store category-archive page, the Bredcrumb trail displays Welcome / Products / With Nicotine / E-Liquids / FlavourArt

    As you can see, the Parent Category, is in reverse order of the product child category.

    Expected behaviour, or caused by this line in Bredcrumbs.php?
    // Merge the parent items into the items array.
    $this->items = array_merge( $this->items, array_reverse( $parents ) );


    I noticed that this problem arise after updating to the latest version of the theme. Was not there in previous versions.


    Hello @lennilg,

    The issue you’re facing seems to be due to a bug with a 3rd party plugin that we’re using called Breadcrumb Trail.

    We will be resolving it in our very near future updates of the theme. Kindly keep the theme updated for latest patches and upgrades.

    Thank you

    Team ProDesigns Themes

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