how can I get the date of published to appear

Home Support Blog Way Plus how can I get the date of published to appear

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  • #7276


    I am really loving your theme. However I really want my posts publish date to appear below the title. I want people to see I’m uploading daily content. How can I make this happen without manually including the date in the text. I’m surprised you guys don’t have this as a default.


    Jody Yarborough
    [email protected]


    Hi @jody,

    We are sorry to inform you Blog Way Plus do not have option to show post date/time on each post as we have made it minimal. However, if you use child theme these features can be added. Files you have downloaded from themeforest contain child theme too.

    Please let us know if you have used child theme or main(parent) theme. If you have used child theme we can send you file/code to include on it to show post date and author details through email.

    We are getting maximum request to add date/time and author name in blog listing so we will add these features in upcoming version.

    Thank you.


    Hi @jody,

    We have updated theme with features you requested and submitted on themeforest. Please wait until changes get approve on themeforest. You will notification once it is approved.


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