
Winsome is one page  as well as multi page parallax scrolling  multi-purpose theme. It is well suited theme for business, corporate, informative, agencies, travel, design, art, personal and any other creative websites. It features multiple sections on the front page including favicon, logo, widgets, multiple navigation’s, address bar, business hours, social menus, and customizer to customize theme easily.

Theme Installation

From WordPress Dashboard

FTP Installation (alternate method)

Recommended Plugin

PT Theme Addon
This plugin is required to add Our Team, Testimonial and Portfolio features.

Contact Form 7
Use this plugin to make contact page.

Import Demo Content

Follow the method below to import demo content of the theme

Download demo content here

After demo data is imported please follow these steps:

Adding Content


To create page on your site, it’s easy. Follow the below listed methods.


To create post on your site, it’s easy. Follow the below listed methods.


To create categories, follow the below steps.


After the recommended plugin installed, your theme will have added custom widget. Use the available custom widget to make the theme as demo. Go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Home Page Widget Area and Add the available widget on this section. Check the every available options for the widget.
Added custom widget are:

Add the above listed Widget on Home Page Widget Area or any other widget area to achieve the design as demo.

Customization Options

Go to the Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize

Logo, Site Title & Tagline


Background Image

You can easily change the background image of the site.

Theme Options

Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme Options
This section includes Header Options, Slider Options, Layout Options, Footer Options, Breadcrumb Options etc.

Header Options

From this section you can manage, Site Title & Tagline.(Show/Hide Site title and Tagline)

Layout Options

This section includes Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar & No Sidebar. You can manage Full Excerpt and Post Excerpt.

Footer Options/ Copyright Text

Breadcrumb Options

Slider Options


This theme comes with two menu locations. Primary Menu and Social Menu

Primary Menu

Social Menu

Widgets Area

Go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets


Home Page Widget Area


Static Front Page

Added Custom Widget

Add this available widgets on widget area to make the awesome sites. Go to Appearance > Customize > Widget and add the widget on required widget area.

1. Winsome: Contact

This widget is use for contact section on home page.  This widget includes, Section Id, Title, CF7 Shortcode Field, Contact Page Descriptions Select Options & background as well. This Widget have Background image options to add the background image for that section.

2. Winsome: CTA

With the help of this widget, you can maintain the home page section with title, content, button and link.

3. Winsome: Facts

This widget help to make the facts section on home page like demo. Your counter will appear on the home page. Set the values from the widget options.

Follow the same steps above for other icons as well.

4. Winsome: Features

It helps to show the features on your site. Use the available options on the widget to display the features.

5. Winsome: Latest News

This widget is useful to create Blog section on home page.

7. Winsome: Services

Select the page for the services with the help of this widget. You have Pages on Admin Dashboard. Create pages for services and select the page for the services.

Use the above method for other pages and icons as well.

8. Winsome: Social

This widget is useful to create social links on the widget area. Set the social menus, that menu will appeared with the help of this widget. In the above section, we already discussed about how to create social menu.

How to Make One Page Site:

Winsome is ready for one page and multipage. You need to use section id of the individual widget and menus options to make one page site.

Add Section IDs on Widgets: 

  1. Go to Appearance > Widget > Home Page Widget Area
  2. Click on one of the available widget on that widget area.
  3. In the widget you will get “Section ID”.
  4. Enter a Unique Section ID. You can use this ID in Menu item for enabling One Page Menu. (Example: ‘section-services’)
  5. And click on Save to save the setting.

Set that IDs on Menu Section,

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus
  2. Create a menu or add the menu items on the existing menu. (It would better if you create a separate menu for it)
  3. Click on Custom Link menu items. You need custom menu to make one page menu.
  4. In the URL field, please enter the Section ID(#section-services). Don’t forget to enter ‘#’ before the section name. Section name must match with the widget Section ID.
  5. Add the menu items on the menu.
  6. Checked on ‘Primary
  7. Click on ‘Save’ to save the menu.

Hope by following the above steps, you can make the one page site.

Home Page Template

Are you wondering about how to create home page like demo? If so, it’s simple. Follow the below steps:

  1. Create a page and select the Home template for that page.(Example: Home page and set that on Home Template)
  2. After that, go to Appearance > Customize > Static Front Page > Select Static Front Page and Select that Home page For Front Page
  3. After that, go to Appearance > Widget > Home Page Widget Area
  4. Add the available widgets on this area.
  5. Use the available options for the widgets and customize the home page as your need.

Hope, this will help to make the home page as demo.

If you have any further query, use theme official support forum.